Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Life is What Happens When You're Busy Making Other Plans

Mom is back in the hospital with another bowel obstruction. It seems as if this might be more of a regular problem than we were previously aware of. It truly seems like often the hospital, doctors, nurses and other various hospital staff are beating around the bush that they simply have no idea what it going on with my mom and have no freaking clue as to how to fix her. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING!!!! It absolutely terrifies me that my mom will never have a "normal" life again; that she will continually be in and out of hospital or stuck in there for the rest of her life (if that can even be defined as a life). I'm scared that she won't see me get married hopefully one day, hold her future grandchildren...I simply cannot imagine my life currently without her. I realize that everyone has their time to die but I truly cannot believe that that time is anytime soon for my mom. She is simply too young and has too many things still let to experience and do and too many people to meet and put her positive influence over.
I'm sorry that this post is so sad and depressing- just needed a little venting session.
Off to enjoy some time with Jenn, Taco Bell and Sunshine Cleaning!!!!